首发 × 蔡昊成|760㎡意式极简豪宅,内敛奢华的空间表达! 世界头条

2023-06-22 11:55:22    来源:豪宅壹号    


The essential craftsmanship in Italian aesthetics is the encounter with minimalist aesthetics. Through continuous integration, the Italian minimalist style forms a unique and charming visual system, constantly unleashing infinite tension in the home. A nostalgia for the city, a desire for nature, an immersion in oneself, and a reluctance to drift with the flow All perceptions and contradictions of life can be associated in a minimalist way, forming a harmonious and vibrant spatial soul through continuous collisions.



The villa introduced today was meticulously crafted by designer Cai Haocheng, who has been in the design industry for many years and firmly believes that concise and concise design has infinite power. In Cai Haocheng"s works, the diverse and full emotions of space form a sharp contrast with very few design elements. Art, sophistication, and the self personality of the residents are popular at home, calmly layered and parallel.

本案业主是一 位深谙建筑学的技术型开发商, 低调谦逊,亦不愿将就生活。这与蔡昊成的设计理念不谋而合,二人在设计阶段与实操阶段产生了极大的共鸣,最终意式极简风成为了空间的内核与起点,生活美学和艺术享受都以此为支点,循循散发优雅魅力。 The owner of this case is a technical developer with a deep understanding of architecture, who is low-key and humble, and unwilling to make do with life. This coincides with Cai Haocheng"s design philosophy, and the two of them resonated greatly during the design and practical stages. Ultimately, the Italian minimalist style became the core and starting point of the space, and both life aesthetics and artistic presentation used it as a fulcrum to exude elegant charm. 玄关墙采用深色实木板打底,深沉的棕色调营造出沉稳安宁的氛围,迎接居住者从容归家。从白日到夜晚,周而复始中,深沉内敛早已成为玄关区的经典印象,这里衔接空间内外,为居住者提供安心的归家礼遇。 The entrance wall is made of dark solid wood panels, and the deep brown tone creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere, welcoming residents to return home calmly. From day to night, in a cycle of repetition, deep and introverted style has become a classic impression of the Xuanguan District, connecting the interior and exterior of the space, providing residents with a peaceful return home experience. 墙体大面积涂刷留白艺术漆,奠定了纯粹简约的格调。地面铺设灰色大理石,天然纹理与不着一丝痕迹的墙面背景相互碰撞。 The wall is extensively painted with white art paint, laying a pure and minimalist style. The ground is paved with gray marble, and the natural texture collides with the traceless wall background. 业主热爱收藏,家便包容这份热爱。靠墙处放着业主特地从日本淘回来的LV古董箱,比起“上流社会的标配”的形容,LV始终坚持“做自己”的理念更加令人心动。 Owners love collecting, and homes embrace this passion. Against the wall, there are LV antique boxes specially retrieved from Japan by the owners. Compared to the description of \"standard accessories in the upper class\", LV always adheres to the concept of \"being oneself\", which is more exciting. 如今LV品牌的经典作品被引入空间,光线打在暗色的墙壁上,层层罗列的箱包仿佛从时间中走了出来,由物达意,自我情绪与空间美学产生了形与意的交融。 Nowadays, classic works of the LV brand are introduced into space, creating a fusion of form and meaning through the expression of objects, self emotions, and spatial aesthetics. 就餐区位于负一层,的餐桌长约4.8米,宽大的桌面足以满足业主日常起居,还可尽情宴赏亲朋宾客。冷灰色的大理石桌面坚固厚重,优良的布面座椅柔软舒适,两种材料经由浅灰色地面过度,相互丰盈,构筑出完美多元的质感。 The dining table in the dining area is about 4.8 meters long, and the spacious tabletop is enough to meet the daily needs of the owner. It can also feast and appreciate family and friends guests to the fullest. The cold gray marble tabletop is sturdy and heavy, and the excellent fabric seats are soft and comfortable. The two materials transition through the light gray ground, creating a perfect and diverse texture. 餐桌上方的波浪形金属吊灯,打乱传统的线性光,把光线更加灵活雀跃地挥洒入室。 The wavy metal chandelier above disrupts the traditional linear light, making the light more flexible and bouncing into the room. 餐桌两侧打造了嵌入式餐边柜,让就餐时光更加美好舒心。 Embedded sideboards are built on both sides of the dining table, making dining time more beautiful and comfortable. 花园美景透过落地窗映入室内,仅一窗之隔的花园露台,满溢着旺盛的绿意与生命力,角落处设计了小茶桌,似乎在邀请人们随时走出去,享受好时光。 The beauty of the garden is reflected into the room through the french window. The garden terrace just across the window is full of green and vitality. A small tea table is designed in the corner, which seems to invite people to go out at any time and enjoy the good time. 花园“围住”了别墅居所,屏蔽了外界传递的喧嚣与浮华,进而形成独有的惬意节奏,不被城市干扰,不被易逝的潮流风尚打破。自然仿佛越过城市涌入家中,簇拥着空间步入静谧美好的天然维度之中。 The garden \"surrounds\" the villa residence, shielding it from the hustle and bustle conveyed by the outside world, thus forming a unique and comfortable rhythm that is not disturbed by the city or broken by fleeting trends and trends. Nature seems to cross the city and flow into the home, embracing the space into a peaceful and beautiful natural dimension. 茶室收纳着业主喜爱的茶具,设计师采用“藏露得当”的收纳方式,墙壁一面作为开放式收纳,茶具整齐摆放其间,黑色框架背景被形态各异的茶具填充,化作一面展览墙,另一面作为封闭式收纳,用来放置剩余物品。 The tea room houses the tea sets that the owners love, and the designer adopts a \"well hidden\" storage method. One side of the wall is used as an open storage, and the tea sets are neatly arranged between them. The black frame background is filled with tea sets of different shapes, transforming into an exhibition wall, and the other side is used as a closed storage to store the remaining items. 纵览全局,茶室、餐厅、小客厅是三位一体的格局,几个区域本质上各有尺度、恪守分寸,也能随时合并、相融,形成联通灵活的活动场域。 Looking at the overall situation, the tea room, restaurant, and small living room are a three in one pattern, with each area having its own scale and adhering to propriety. They can also merge and blend at any time, forming a connected and flexible activity area. 卧室的木饰面墙晕染出蓝色,内部印刻出旋转迂回的纹路,于简约外在中悄然打磨层次感。人字拼木地板整齐错落、层层叠加,步步通往私密场域时,就能感觉到明确坚定的方向感。 The wooden veneer wall of the bedroom is tinged with blue, and the interior is engraved with swirling patterns, quietly polishing the sense of hierarchy in the minimalist exterior. The herringbone wooden flooring is neatly arranged and stacked layer by layer, providing a clear and firm sense of direction as you step towards the private field. 天然大理石串联起浴室的地面和墙面,浅灰色的肌理无序且随性地遍布各处,细腻刻画出浴室的层次感。错落的纹路模糊了空间本质上的立体感,与水的意象形成共鸣,窗户内加入了百叶帘,保证居住者的日常隐私。 Natural marble connects the floor and walls of the bathroom, with a light gray texture scattered randomly and delicately depicting the layering of the bathroom. The scattered lines blur the three-dimensional sense of space in essence and resonate with the image of water. Window blind are added to the windows to ensure the daily privacy of residents. 宽大的沙发简约明了地标明了一层大客厅的存在,灰色的沙发犹如一片宏大延绵的岛屿,轻松承载家庭聚会,也能供居住者自由活动,在休息时光中,体验“窝”在家里的沉浸式乐趣。 The spacious sofa succinctly and clearly indicates the existence of a large living room on the first floor, and the gray sofa is like a vast and continuous island, easily carrying family gatherings and allowing residents to freely move around, experiencing the immersive pleasure of \"nestling\" at home during their rest time. 一旁的座椅、边几完善了客厅的属性,多元化营造舒适体验。 The seats and side tables on one side enhance the attributes of the living room, creating a diverse and comfortable experience. 黑色背景墙冷静克制,搭配先前的白、木、灰,中性色调之间与生俱来的默契感呼之欲出。 The black background wall is calm and restrained, paired with the previous white, wood, and gray tones, exuding an innate sense of harmony between neutral tones. 浮夸的造型被抹去,简约精致的美学呈现由考究的材质进行了精妙表达,沉稳低调地契合着居住者内心对生活的向往与初心。 The grandiose design has been erased, and the simple and exquisite aesthetic presentation has been exquisitely expressed through exquisite materials, calmly and low-key matching the residents" inner longing and original intention for life. 记忆、情感、期待系数汇入设计中,赋予家百变又不离人文主义的有趣灵魂。 居住者静处家中,汲取治愈气息与激励力量,在人生之路走得愈发从容; 同时也能随时回归,用不断积淀的热爱、阅历,再度饰缀私属之家。

The coefficients of memory, emotion and expectation are integrated into the design, which endows the family with an interesting soul of Humanism. Residents can stay at home quietly, absorb the healing breath and motivating force, and walk more leisurely on the path of life; At the same time, they can also return at any time, embellishing their private homes with their accumulated love and experience.

设计师 蔡昊成

内容策划 /Presented

策划 Producer :LuxuryHouse

撰文 Writer :Rita 排版 Editor:Fin






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